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When the Storm Breaks

I’m showered! Thank fuck for that. Thought I’d update on how I’m doing today – and the answer is: much better. Not completely back to my version of normal (my stomach still feels very delicate) but certainly heading in the right direction. I’ve actually achieved things today. I finally did the food shop (several days…

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Crashing Fears

Really struggling – Day 5. I’m used to my symptoms fluctuating from one day to the next, and also within the same day. I’m used to my symptoms flaring up for several consecutive days after over-exerting myself. Sometimes it can last a week or two. But knowing this, doesn’t make it any easier. I’ve had…

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Happy Birthday To Me!

Happy birthday to me! And this is a VERY special one. For those who don’t know, I was a HUGE gym junkie before I got sick. I was in the best shape of my life – radiating health, strength, and wellness from every fibre of my being … and I LOVED it. Exercise was a…


From June 13th 2022 I’ve been needing to rest ever since doing the fun stuff on Saturday. But that’s not to say that fun hasn’t been had – it has. After all, it’s not every day that Batman rocks up in Grandma’s back garden! I’m hoping to be well enough for a zoo outing tomorrow.…

Fun Stuff

From June 11th 2022 Yay! I did the fun stuff today – with added spontaneous fun on top. Like a trip to this little place by the water. And a lunchtime glass of wine. Feel a bit crap now, but that’s often the price to pay for a fun outing. That, and needing to rest…

Travel Worries

From June 10th 2022: And here’s the thing with chronic illness – you can’t just go for a trip away, with a worry-free mindset. Not even to spend a few days with family. Excited – definitely! But not worry free. Don’t get me wrong – it’s absolutely bloody fantastic to be here at my Mum’s.…

Butterfly Days

From June 4th 2022: It’s been a rough 11 days since wedding dress shopping day. Health has been up and down, but mostly down. However, while that’s been going on, we had some chrysalides that hatched into beautiful butterflies a few days ago – and today we set them free. It reminded me that although…