What Would You Like For Christmas?

What Would You Like For Christmas? I can normally answer this question from Pete, my other half, pretty easily. There’s normally SOMETHING I’d like under the tree each year (shiny and pretty, ideally!) But this year is different. This year is the first time I can’t think of anything. It’s not that I’m void of…

Am I Okay?

Life with M.E and POTS: “It’s really hard but I’m okay. I’m okay. I’m okay. I’m okay. I’m okay. I’m okay. I’m okay. I’m struggling a bit – but I’m okay. I’m okay. I’m okay. I’m okay.” (Has a massive meltdown, shouts at the person closest to me when they probably don’t deserve it, cry…

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Birthday present

Presents You would think after being chronically ill with M.E and POTS for nearly six years that I would learn to tailor my present wish list for the life I lead now … not the life I used to lead. … yet apparently, I’ve learned nothing. For my birthday back in August, I asked for…

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Going ‘Out’ Out

With the festive season fast approaching and people’s social calendars filling up – I just realised I can’t remember the last time I went ‘out’ out. What I do know is … it’s been many many years years.

This blog highlights the difficulties and loss that I, and much of the chronic illness community – face around the topic of enjoying a night out – whilst also showing gratitude for the good times when I was healthy.

Locating My Inner Cockroach

You know those annoying insects that never die? Like, no matter how many times you whack it, it just wobbles around with missing wings and limbs – refusing to die. Cockroaches I think. Anyways, between the chronic illness, infections and now Covid … I seem to have located my inner cockroach. I guess what I’m…

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My Lovely Day Off … ?

My Lovely Day Off Everyone needs a ‘me day’ from time to time. Yesterday was mine. I was right looking forward to it. It got off to a great start. For the first time in 6 weeks (!!), I finally felt well enough to go to the gym. It was SO nice to workout again…

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When the Storm Breaks

I’m showered! Thank fuck for that. Thought I’d update on how I’m doing today – and the answer is: much better. Not completely back to my version of normal (my stomach still feels very delicate) but certainly heading in the right direction. I’ve actually achieved things today. I finally did the food shop (several days…