I’m showered! Thank fuck for that.
Thought I’d update on how I’m doing today – and the answer is: much better. Not completely back to my version of normal (my stomach still feels very delicate) but certainly heading in the right direction.
I’ve actually achieved things today. I finally did the food shop (several days later than planned. ME and POTS don’t care if the cupboards are empty). And I finally had a shower. Simple things that my pre-illness self used to take for granted. For anyone who hasn’t read it, I wrote a piece about personal hygiene with chronic illness here: Personal Hygiene – chronicallycraptastic.com
I was messaging with a fellow ME sufferer earlier today and he said he finds that when the symptom flare up finally breaks, he tends to pick up really quickly. I hadn’t thought about it until now, but I’ve realised I also pick up quickly once the symptom-storm finally breaks. And until more research is done into ME, we’ll never really understand why.
Regardless of the why’s, I’m just happy to be hopefully heading in the right direction. I say ‘hopefully’ because I won’t truly know until the next 48 hours have passed. The nature of ME is that I did a ‘thing’ today … and now I must wait 24-48 hours to see if I get any payback from it.
But I’m feeling hopeful. Fingers crossed!