From June 4th 2022:
It’s been a rough 11 days since wedding dress shopping day. Health has been up and down, but mostly down.
However, while that’s been going on, we had some chrysalides that hatched into beautiful butterflies a few days ago – and today we set them free.
It reminded me that although I wasn’t well enough to take my boy out today, there’s plenty of beauty to be found in our own back garden.
And this is truth behind living with M.E and POTS, that most people don’t see. They only see me when I look like a butterfly; they don’t see the butt-ugly process it took to get me there – or know that unlike a butterfly – I regress back to that phase on a regular basis, after over-exerting myself with activities that healthy people take for granted.
Still, maybe it’s BECAUSE I go through that process on such a regular basis, that when I am in butterfly mode, I’m generally in tip top spirits, full of the joys of spring – because I take nothing for granted anymore. After spending 3 years without a single butterfly day, I now appreciate every good day with every fiber of my being.