You would think after being chronically ill with M.E and POTS for nearly six years that I would learn to tailor my present wish list for the life I lead now … not the life I used to lead.
… yet apparently, I’ve learned nothing.
For my birthday back in August, I asked for a fancy Victoria Beckham eyeliner. I’ve never had one before, and short of using my four-year-old son’s crayons … I’d normally just use any old pencil. But I’d seen the adverts, it sounded really good – and I fancied a birthday treat.
Fast forward four months and I haven’t used it once. I guess when I asked for it, I must have temporarily forgotten that I rarely have energy for makeup these days. Plus, I only ever wear eyeliner if I go out of an evening … something I haven’t been able to do at all this year, and have no clue when I next will.
I therefore realised today that my birthday ‘treat’ may never get worn if I’m waiting for my health to improve and an occasion to wear it.
However, I then realised my health HAS improved from where it was, and leaving the house is something I could only dream of only a few short years ago – so it’s time I recognised that ANY kind of outing is actually a pretty great reason to celebrate.
… And that is how I found myself wearing VB eyeliner to a dinosaur show for children and toddlers today.
(You can’t tell from the lighting, but that’s okay. Me and the dinosaur knew )
Anyone else requested any impractical gifts that they’ll never use since becoming chronically sick?