PIP: In Your Own Words

I’d like to say I was shocked by the comments I received in response to my ‘Disability Benefits – End of an Era’ post the other week, but sadly, I wasn’t. I’ve therefore decided to crank the volume up on making your voices heard as well, by quoting (anonymously) some of the things you told me.

Drink the ‘Good’ Wine

When I was healthy, I had one or two bottles of ‘good’ wine put aside – for years on end – ready for an occasion where I felt ‘deserving of it or like I’d ‘earned’ it. Not anymore. Nowadays, I drink the good wine. Here, I talk about why.

More Firsts!

We did another ‘thing’ as a family recently: a road trip to Oxford for Pete’s cousin’s birthday bash.

I haven’t been to a large social gathering since before getting sick over six years ago. It’s been a looong time. It was FANTASTIC – albeit different to when I was well.