My face and half of Pete’s head made a magazine front cover! Whoop whoop!!
Now THAT was a pleasant surprise. Not that the arrival of the latest edition of ME Essentials magazine isn’t a pleasant surprise in itself; of course it is. It’s just EXTRA pleasant when I realise I’m in it!
… Umm … or am I?
There I was, merrily turning through the pages looking for my article. And nothing. I kept going – feeling increasingly disheartened not to see my article anywhere. ‘How strange,’ I thought. I was losing all hope as I neared the end, having resigned myself to thinking my face was just a space filler (surely the ME Association aren’t THAT desperate?!). Then, just as I’d given up … I turned to the very last page.
And there I was. Having ‘The Last Word.’
Now, anyone who’s ever parented a five-year-old (or met Pete at the end of a long and tiring day) will know – I never get the last word on anything. Well, not out loud, anyway. (Does a million ‘For Fucks Sake’s’ silently screamed under my breath count? I’m guessing not.)
So, imagine my delight to finally get the last word for once – on something pretty important to me … and it’s IN PRINT!!
I’m a very happy camper.
The article, titled ‘Burden or Team Mate?’ addresses the question of whether or not I dragged Pete down with me when I got sick.
For anyone interested in reading it (who doesn’t subscribe to ME Essentials) – you can also read it here: Burden or Team Mate? –