Social Media: people often talk about the negatives … but what about the positives?
Imagine the ‘olden days,’ before the advent of social media. A time when chronically ill and/or disabled people had to rely solely on nearby friends and family for love and support. A time when, even if a person was lucky enough to have supportive people in their life (not everyone does), they still didn’t have anyone who truly ‘gets’ what they go through day in day out.
Uuugh, I shudder to think. It must have been very lonely and isolating, to say the least.
I am therefore thankful for Social Media, and the way it came swanning into our lives like a massive new age technological hero, waving its variety of social platforms at us, in a revolutionary bid to save our sanity – if not the day.
Swoon … be still my palpitating heart!
Social media is great for maintaining links with folk both near and far. For myself and many other chronically ill and/or disabled people, it is also a lifeline to forming new links and friendships outside our usual circle.
Social media helps combat the isolation experienced by many chronically ill/disabled people by facilitating the creation of support groups and blogs (like this one!) tailored to just about any shared interest or medical condition imaginable. In other words, its made it possible to find and engage with people from all over the world who know EXACTLY what it feels like to walk (or be unable to walk, as the case may be) in our shoes (well, slippers), and live with our condition – ie., ME and/or POTS. In other words, our ‘tribe.’
For many people with ME/POTS or any other chronic illness and/or disability, the utter relief of finding our ‘tribe’ can never be underestimated. To finally feel a sense of belonging, understanding, and something almost resembling ‘normality’ that a shared experience can bring – can feel truly uplifting, validating, and life-affirming.
So, let’s raise a glass (mug of tea?) to Social Media – a wonderful invention that helped connect me with you lovely peeps – my Tribe of Chronic Crapsters!