Hear me roar!
Woohoo! Hear me roar!!
Yes folks, brace yourself for something truly outstanding. Are you sitting down? Are you ready for my massive revelation? Okay, here goes … (Click to read on)
Woohoo! Hear me roar!!
Yes folks, brace yourself for something truly outstanding. Are you sitting down? Are you ready for my massive revelation? Okay, here goes … (Click to read on)
Fuck me, I did it! For the first time in 8 years – I finally went ‘out out.’
… And it was perfect!
Though, the anxiety and turmoil I experienced in the lead up to this night out – was most definitely – NOT perfect. Read on for both the turmoil and the terrific!
… ‘Out out’ of my mind with worry that is.
It’s a fellow mummy friend’s birthday in a few days, and she’d like to let her hair down. And the best place to do this where we live is – a one-hour train ride away – in the city. What could possibly go wrong? Well, umm, with ME/POTS … everything.
“… Don’t project your weird beliefs on others!”
This demand for me to silence myself formed part of a comment on Facebook recently. As such, I decided to have a little fun with it!
So there I was, merrily scrolling through Facebook on NYE, when I noticed something. It’s a recurring theme that I see every year, as people are wrapping up the old year and moving forward to the next. Read on to find out what it is and why I disagree with it.
Just melt already, I can’t handle this any longer!!
… The home schooling, that is. Not the snow and ice.
It’s no secret that England really doesn’t know how to ‘winter’. First sign of snow and the country grinds to a shivering halt. And in the case of last week, this includes the school of a student we currently care for.
I’ve been struggling lately.
I just feel so overwhelmed with trying to navigate life and the ‘mental load’, when my physical health has been trapped in the u-bend that separates wellness and umm … shit.
No-one knows gratitude quite like a person who has been lucky enough to claw their way back up to Mild ME after years of being housebound and/or bedridden with Severe ME.
But here’s the thing …
What do you do when you need some ‘me time’ away from your family, but your ME won’t let you leave the house? Well you, umm … pretend to go out.
Q: What do Marriage and Chronic Illness have in common?
A: Lifelong commitment.
One, I entered into happily – whereas the other, can fuck right off.